Men make up only 1% of ECEC workforce in Ireland

What steps can we take towards a more gender inclusive profession?

Early Childhood Educators are predominantly female. As long ago as 1996, EU targets were set to achieve a 20% male workforce in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) by 2006 – we are now in 2022 and, in Ireland, approximately 1% of the ECEC workforce is male. The European average is a 97% female workforce in ECEC.

As a society, we are encouraging women to the highest level of business leadership, we are encouraging women into STEM careers, because we recognise the value of diversity. Why are we not encouraging men into the profession of early childhood education and care?

NCI marks International Men’s Day with a survey to establish the current experience of parents, and to explore their attitudes to the profession of Early Childhood Education and Care, specifically in relation to gender. Parents of pre-school children aged 0-6 years are asked to complete this anonymous survey, which comprises of only 7 questions.

Complete Survey

In addition to this parental survey, NCI will contact childcare providers (crèches, Montessoris, playschools, etc.) to seek their input. We will also give secondary school students in 4th, 5th and 6th year the opportunity to share their experience of career guidance towards a career in ECEC. While this latter survey will be issued next term directly via Guidance Counsellors, if any parent would like their teen to participate in this survey, please email

This initiative was first launched on IMD 2019 but plans could not progress due to disruption caused by Covid-19. We are delighted to be moving forward with it now.

Survey results collected over the coming year will be analysed with a view to hosting an event informed by the data for International Men’s Day 2023.